Борел: Нападот на Израел врз центарот на Бејрут е кршење на меѓународното право
Шефот за надворешни работи и безбедност на ЕУ, Жозеп Борел, рече дека израелскиот напад врз Бејрут, во кој загинаа медицинските…
Шефот за надворешни работи и безбедност на ЕУ, Жозеп Борел, рече дека израелскиот напад врз Бејрут, во кој загинаа медицинските…
Вчерашната дебата меѓу Доналд Трамп и Камала Харис привлече многу внимание поради големите разлики во нивните политики и пристапи. Дебатата…
“During the Second World War, we, Roma and Jews, united in a tragic community of suffering, became victims of the…
Costel Bercus is a Romanian Roma who was the first Chairman of the Roma Education Fund, an NGO established in…
Deny Dobobrov is an American Roma born in the USA to an immigrant family from former Yugoslavia. He is serving…
Kenan Emini is a Roma refugee from Kosovo to Germany. He is the chairman of Roma Center e.V., co-chair of…
Cayetano Fernández is co-founder of the anti-racist collective ”Kale Amenge”, an autonomous Roma political initiative in Spain that over the last decade…
When I asked Murat Haliti do you see connection between the Kosovo crisis and current crisis he replied that it…
Twenty-five years ago, in August 1999, Murat Haliti and his family fled their home in Prizren, Kosovo, to escape Albanian…
Petar Antic is a Roma rights defender from Serbia who was among the first to speak publicly about the need…