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Avgo krisekiri čipota mujal o komandanti taro UČK o Salih Mustafasi datirimi tari vrama 1998-1999 berš, šurukerela ano Hag.

O Salih Mustafa sa komandanti taro UČK, thaj si došakerdo baši mudaribe,tortura preder e Roma, Srbiancia thaj javera civilia.

O Mustafa sa astardo persi berš dži kote kerela sa buti sar konsilieri ko ministerstvo baši arakhibe.

Ko došakeribe si hramomo so ov maltretiringja e panlen ano panlipe Zalaš, gav so araklovela ano purabalipe tari diz Priština.

Ano Hag si konstituirimo Krisi ano 2015 berš te bi šaj arakhela o bilačipe kola so kergjalen o džene taro UČK.

Palo avgo dive kna šukrukergja o krisekoro procesi mujal o Mustafa Salih, but našutne Roma andar o Kosovo ko purano kurko kergje lafi baši pumare situacie ki vrama panli e beršencar 1988-1999 berš.

Trujal lengoro vakeribe, video insertija ola puterge i khrana soske mukle thaj našle taro Kosovo.

Ola vakergje so na sinelen nisavi protkcia taro takatija KFOR,thaj kaj sine mukle e chibanege anglo sa e skerenge taro UČK te taren thaj te čoren lengere khera numa vi agjar te keren zoraleskoro badani upreder e Roma džuvlja.

Grattan Puxon korespondeti EU Romapress taro London-Bari Britanija


The first case at a special court probing Kosovo’s 1998-1999 conflict has begun at The Hague, with the war crimes trial of Salih Mustafa, 49, who led the ethnic Albanian Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA). He faces charges of murder, torture and cruel treatment of Romani, Serbian and other civilians.

Mustafa, was arrested last year while working as an adviser at Kosovo’s defence ministry. He is alleged to have mistreated prisoners at a detention compound in Zllash, a village east of the capital Pristina, in April 1999.

The case is the first to go to trial at the Kosovo Specialist Chambers, an EU-backed court set up in the Netherlands in 2015 to probe alleged atrocities by the separatist KLA.

The KLA have also been accused of revenge attacks on Serbs, Roma and ethnic Albanian rivals during and after the fighting.

The day after the trial started, Kosovo Roma exiles spoke during EU Romani Week of their experiences.

Through video film and personal testimonials, they revealed how tens of thousands of families were forced to flee the province when paramilitaries set fire to their homes, while murdering, raping and looting.

They say NATO soldiers failed to protect them.

International tensions over Kosovo remain to this day, with the United States and most of the West recognising Kosovo, while Roma exile organizations now oppose Kosovo’s pending application to join the EU. They say the EU must impose conditions on entry which satisfy their demands for justice and restitution.

With thanks to AFP

Below paramilitary commander Salih Mustafa,


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