Džina Lobirdžina muli ano 96 berš ko 16 januari 2023 berš.
I Lolobridina si jekh taro majbare pendžarde akterija,, fotoreporterija, dizajnerija thaj kmo jekh političari koja sa ano 1999 berš membro ano EU parlamento.
I lolobridžina sa jek taro generacija prani sar so sa o amerikansko akteri o Gari Kuper kola so dži ko plo dživdipe garavena sa pire romane darhie a sine but pendžarde ano Holivud.
I Lolobrižina sa vi agjar pendžardi taro remekotor filmeskoro anavkerdo Notre Dame , kote so kelela sa i rolja e romane džuvljakoro, a vi agjar sine vavera da rolje.
Sar jurnalisti kergja intevju e Fidel Kastro, Jospi Broz Titom a ko jek but sine baro ani taro Mahatma Gandi.
Voj sa prabdimi e slovensko doktorea Milko Škofič kasaja so dživdinela sa ki Kanada ko Toronto, thaj palo adava oj precivgjape te dživdinel ki pli bijandi them ki Italija.
Grattan Puxon :Gina Lollobridgina, who hid her Roma origin all the time, died
Born on 4 July 1927, Gina Lollobrigida became not only a world famous actor but also a photo-journalist, designer and politician, standing unsuccessfully in 1999 as a member of the European Parliament.
Ninety-five when she died on 16 January, Lollobrigida belonged to that older generation among whom it was only too common to keep secret their Romani origins.
Except to their closest friends, who in her case was the equally famous Gary Cooper, another Rom who had made it in a big way in Holywood.
Notably, Lollobrigida in her long firm career played th part of the Gypsy Esmeralda in the Hunchback of Notre Dame. Also with Romani actor, and activist, Yul Brynner, she took the leading female role in Solomon and Sheba.
Highlights in her photo-journalist work encompassed an exclusive interview with Fider Castro. She met with Indira Gandhi, Jozef Broz Tito, and was an admirer of Mahatma Gandhi. She was married to Slovene Dr Milko Skofic and lived with him in Toronto Canada, before returning in later life to her native
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