Te iranenpes jali ma te iranenpes? Akava pobut nane pučiba baši bute kosovakere našlengoro.
Ani adaja zona karanlukoskori taro britalnikano sasto paldipe ki vrama taro konflikti taro 1988thaj 1999 beršm si baro pumimos baši lengioro nacionaliteteskere lila thaj buvleste o pučiba baši manušikane hakaja.
Avgo alusariba ani Republika Kosovo, jek kupa hrampngja e Prištinake, rodindor te del pravdo havljaripa baši e hakoskere alusariba. Kana e Roma našle taro Kosovo teleder i kampanja baši paldipe, ola sa dizutne e themakiri Jugoslavia koja so ko adaja vrama startungja te ulavelpe.
Okola so ačile, jekh kotor lendar plo siguriteti araklele ani Srbia, numa vi agjar paribasa, Pobuter taro mile si razčivde ano EU thaj panda džividnen daraja baši pli eventualnikani deportacia, ki them kotar so našle, ki akaja čipota o Kosovo.
Pobuter taro 1 berša, o hali e Romengoro sa sa ignorimo,Teleder e jakja taro soldatia taro NATO thaj KFOR, disave droma kolaboratoria ko tharibe e romane kherengoro thaj mudaribataro 13 000 mile manuša. Ola sa paldime ano vordona tela ko zori e šastrengoro taro lengere khera.
Trujal o Pol Polanski ko leskoro buvlo resarširibe thaj dokumentacia na pohari taro 14 000 khera si thare thaj vi agjar čorde. E kosovakiri bukjarni kupa akhargape sar bangi ko akala čipote
Me sem ano gndipe so ka šunelpe o avazi ki vrama taro krisi ano Haško Tribunali, so si dendo testartujnel ano septemvri, Kozom so džanaja sal jekh Rom ka iklol sar tasvri mujal e mariskere bilačipaskoro taro Kosovakere Roma.
Ko plani si te kerelpe lipardo ani Priština e Romenge kola so mule ko akava konflikti. Trujal adav ka ovel dendi rezolucia baši avutno Jubilieskoro brš taro avgo Romano Kongresi e romengoro, anavkerdo o 17 juni sar komemorativnikano dive e romegoro taro Kosovo.
Grattan Puxon
jurnalisti ko Euromapress
Grattan Puxon: „Kosovo Roma neither up nor down, neither to return“
Return or not to return?
That’s no longer the question for many Kosovo exiles. Existing in a twilight zone since a brutal mass expulsion during the 1998-9 conflict, they are now probing for answers as to their citizenship status and wider human rights.
On the eve of elections in the Republic of Kosovo, one group has written to Pristina seeking clarification over voting rights. When Roma fled the province, driven out by a campaign
of ethnic cleansing, they were citizens of a diminishing Jugoslav state.
Those who stayed found a precarious refuge in Serbia, barely enjoying second-class citizenship. Tens of thousands scattered in the EU live in even less security, subject to deportation; return to country of origin, which can mean Kosovo.
For more than twenty years, the fate of Kosovo Roma has been ignored. Under the eyes of NATO and KFOR soldiers, sometimes complicit in the acts of arson and murder, up to 130,000 Roma
were driven at gunpoint from their homes. According to extensive research and documentation by Paul Polansky and others, no less than 14,000 homes and properties were lost to arson and outright theft. Overtime, a proportion have changed hands in deals forced upon owners desperate for cash. The Kosovo Working Group want recognition of these atrocities. It is hoped they will have a voice in the war crimes trial at The Hague, adjourned until September. At least one witness for Roma is believed to be participating.
Meanwhile, as a first step the working group is seeking support for the creation of a memorial in Pristina to Roma who perished. In addition, a resolution will be submitted to the upcoming Jubilee World Roma Congress declaring 17 June as an annual commemoration day.
Grattan Puxon
Journalist for Euromapress
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