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E.R.P. Rajo Franz, lungo drom sar dikav thaj šunav sar kerena vorba andi Europakoro parlamento vazdimasa bunto trjual o trin romane deputatia kana kerelape lafi baši e Roma.

So si i kharana taro tumare kolege Roma deputatora so kišlo arakhena suhn te praven o pučiba sar tu, ani akaja bari euopakiri Institucia? Sen li ano gndon so ola si zaruri te oven tela ki lengiri političko domicilno partija so prekal tumari politikani partija Čarbojali (Grune) si majbut liberalno se lengere domicilno političko partije?

R.F. Me sem ani gnd so o majlačo raporto šaj leja lendar korkori.
Me bi mangava sa akava pučimos te ovel adresirimo dži lende. Panlipaja tari miro aktiviteti mangav te vakerav so adava džovapluko si miro magin te žutisarav mire etnikane kupa, okola kola so bičavgema ano Europakoro parlamenti. Adava si normalnipe sar so bi trebula.

E manuša isilen pakjamos upri mande thaj odova si i kharana so dava mandar te ovav lenge šuakar reprezentivi. Tari vaver rig si čače so sijum talo teloikredi politikani familia, sar soj Čarbojali političko partia, ani akaja tema mangav te vakerav bari bahtarin baši mle aktivnostia panle akale partijaja. Ko agor o sukcesi taro mire aktivitetia nane sal miro sukcesi jali amare etnikane kupakoro, adava si sukcesi taro Čarbojali partia.

E.R.P. Sen li ani gnd so tumare 300 dende amandmania dži ki Komisia taro EU persi berš si o starti tari Nacionalnikani strategija tari EU so ka startujnel akava berš taro semptembri čijbaja pire resarina, thaj vi agjar lejbe than taro thema membroa alusarindor kla resarina baši so trujal mnde Tumne sa incijatori baši Nacionalno strategija taro EU ko lačaribe o romano dživdipe thaj maribe mujal o antiromanizmo?

R.F. I rezolucia so vazdingumla sine alosardi ano Europakoro parlamenti ano 17 septemvri 2020 berš, konzistetno mažortibaja ( mnozinstvo) taro 575 vote. Ki rezolucia rodelape o krisi baši e Roma ko EU, lengoro jekh ka jekh javerencar, lejbe than ki inkluzia thaj maribe mujal o antiromanizmo, avgodrom ani istoria e Romengiri ko EU. I Komisia taro EU ikavgja piro strateško pervazi (ramka) e Romenge bašu anglune 10 berš, thaj ka dikhel o propozicie e rezoluciakere so sine ma bah te dav la progres.

E.R.P. Pakjana li tumen so akala resarina so čivgjalen o EU ka oven realizirime ko thema membor taro EU, dikindor sar disave thema tretirinena e Romen ani Bugaria, Češka, Slovačka, thaj Ungarija kote so o rasizam upreder lende si baro?

R.F. O resarina taro EU šaj resenape, Ola si but šukar kerde, ambiciozna tale thaj pokozinetna talo paluno pervazi taro EU. Numa majbaro problemi si so ola tale ki kovli politika, thaj nane lenge importatno e membornge taro EU. Adava talo so kala thema taro Eu isilen tromalipe te legeren ja li na akala aktivnostia baši tikjnaribe i diferencia maškar e Roma thaj o domicilno dizutne.
Ko fuhalipe isijamen exampl talo paluno pervazi baši e Roma ano EU, so angja sal limitirimo ja li nisavo diferetno trampa ko romano dđivdipe. Akava si baši so isi manka ( nedostatok) baši definitativno (obavezno) karakteri e pervazeskoro.

E.R.P Kola ka oven tumare propozicie dži kote akja nacionalno strategia taro EU na sikavela rezultatia?

R.F. Sar so vakegjum angleder i rezolucia so sine votimi thaj o nevo pervazi e Romenge ano EU sine alusardo persi berš. Resaribaja te ovav siguritetno so akala resarina taro pervazi ka oven perde dži ko 2030 berš, planirinava te džav poadari mire bukjaja baši startujmi rezolucia, thaj te kerav progresi ano Europakoro parlamenti resaribaja te startujnel o procesi, baši anibe o krisi e romane etnikane kupake kolea so ka pherel lengoro jekutnipe thaj lejbaja than ko maribe mujal o antiromanizmo ko avgo than. Tari vaver rig me zorale pakjava so i Nacionlno strategia baši čijba e Romen ko akava pervazi trebul o thema memboja te oven len soodvetnikano budžeti, gejnipaskere indikatoria bašpi o progres thaj o šartie thaj robusno mehanizmo kolea so ka dikhelpe kote o love čače hardžinepes a kote so bilače si istamalkerde.

O Intervju kergjale
Sulejman Muhadžer
jurnalisti ko Euromapress

Exclusive interview for Euromapress Romeo Franc EU MP

E.R.P. I have been following your speeches on the floor of the European Parliament for a long time and it is obvious that despite the three Roma representatives, only you are the loudest when it comes to the Roma.

What is the reason, do your fellow Roma MPs not listen to the questions of their ethnic group or does it depend on their parent political party which compared to yours they are not as liberal as the Greens whose representative and member you are?

R.F. I think the best answer can come from the other two Roma MEPs. So, in my view this question must be addressed to them. Regarding my activity I can tell you it is the sense of responsibility and care for my people, for those who sent me in the European Parliament. It is a normality that I follow. People put their trust in me and I am doing my best to represent them at this level. On the other hand it is also true that I am part of a very supportive political family, as the Greens are, on the topic, and I can only show my appreciation through my actions. In the end, the success of my actions is not only my success or our community’s success it is also the success of the Greens.

E.R.P. Do you think that your 300 amendments that you submitted to the EU Commission last year are the beginning of the EU national strategy, which from this year to the end of September will set its goals towards the involvement of the member states for the adoption of these goals for whom at least I think you were the initiator of the EU national strategy for improving the life of the Roma and the fight against anti-Romanism?

R.F. The resolution that I have developed was voted by the European Parliament, on 17 September 2020, with a consistent majority, 575 votes in favour. The resolution is asking for an EU Romani Law for Equality, Inclusion Participation and Combating Antigypsyism, for the first time in the history of the EU. On 6th October the EU Commission published its new EU Roma Strategic Framework for the next 10 years, following many of the recommendation of the resolution I had the honour to develop.

E.R.P. Do you even believe that these goals set by the EU will be realized in the Member States of the Union, given that in some countries such as the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania and Bulgaria there is some racism against Roma?

R.F. The goals set by the EU could be reachable. They are clear, ambitious and more consistent than the last EU Framework. However the major problem is that they are still part of a soft policy, they are not mandatory for the Member States. So, the Members States have the freedom to implement or not actions to reduce disparities between Romani people and majority population. Unfortunately, we have the experience of the last EU Roma framework which produced only limited or no change in the lives of our people. And, this is because of the lack of binding character of the Framework.

E.R.P. What would be your recommendations if this national strategy of the EU, conditionally speaking, does not pass as you and the EU envisioned to be realized?

R.F. As I mentioned earlier, the resolution was voted and the new EU Roma Framework was adopted last year. In order to make sure the objectives of the Framework will be met by 2030, I am planning to continue the work started with the resolution and to develop a legislative initiative in the European Parliament in order to start the process of having a Law for Romani people that will ensure their Equality, Inclusion and Participation and that will put the fight against antigypsyism, first. On the other hand I strongly believe that the National Strategies for Romani Inclusion of the Member States must have an adequate budget, measureable progress and success indicators and a robust monitoring mechanism to ensure that the money are spent properly and not misused.

He prepared the interview
Muhadjer Suleiman
Euromapress journalist

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